Friday, February 11, 2011

Her favourite game

"Count to 10, Mummy, then come and find me"
Yep, we play this all day :-)
Along with Eye-Spy :-)

 Using the GORGEOUS Echo Park Little Girl papers again :-) :-)

And a super sparkly butterfly .....

Don't forget the monthly SKETCH at HBS .... upload your take in the gallery to go in the random draw to win a store voucher :-)

AND don't forget my RAK :-) :-) read about it HERE ...


Unknown said...

STUNNING!!! Love the combo of purple, green and blue and how cute is that butterfly!! Gorgeous work :) xx

Heather Jacob said...

striking page and those embellies are delicious... hugz x

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous colours and love your embellie cluster

Anonymous said...

What a truly gorgeous page Chloe.
