Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pink, orange and cream

These are the colours for the colour challenge at Design Dollies at the moment! Interesting hey!! I shuffled papers around for a bit and then came up with this card (above). I have used more origami paper and some fabric - I am really loving fabric at the moment!
Happy Mother's Day tomorrow for all the Mum's out there! :-) :-)


Liz Weber said...

Hiya Chloe :-)

Loving your pretty card - love the ribbons and gorgeous flower and that colour combo is nice!

Happy Mothers Day to you! Hope you are spoilt tomorrow!

Mel said...

This is gorgeous Chloe, I just love the texture added to that gorgeous paper, this is perfect, you nailed it. Glad you played at the Dollies.. Love Melxx

Kate said...

gorgeous chloe you have done an amazing job! perfect pp for it. thanks for playing with us dollies!

Sue Plumb said...

Lovely colour combo - not one I would have thought of either. You have done a great job with it, I especially love the fabric.
Hope you have a great Mother's Day too!

Kim said...

gosh chloe you are on a roll atm with your cards. another lovely one

Anonymous said...

Lovin those origami papers!!! You pulled this out to perfection! Thanks for playin with us DOllies!

Marelize said...

Lovely card Chloe! I love the fabric too. Great job! :)

Unknown said...

Lovely cards Chloe!! Can't wait to use my Japanese stuff!! lol!! Hope you had a lovely mothers day too!

ps...I spied you in the latest SM mag...gorgeous LO! CONGRATS!!

Yara said...

This card is very lovely! Great take on the challenge!!