Monday, May 31, 2010

Icecream anyone?

Brr... too cold for icecream, but don't these yummy colours remind you of neopolitan icecream???
They are the colours for the colour challenge over at Design Dollies and I just HAD to play along!!! LOL. I ALSO managed to combine it with the elements challenge which was a recipe:
a crown
the colour pink
2 3D elements (or more)

So, I have a crown, pink (of course), lace, stripes (on the brads - how clever ... hehehe!!) and my 2 3D elements were the crown and the little princess sentiment. I haven't managed to combine the sketch as well yet, but maybe one day!! ;-)


Kate said...

gorgeous chloe, theyre beautiful colours arent they!! thanks for playing with the dollies :)

Kim said...

so gorgeous and pretty Chloe

TeenaBugg38 said...

Visiting you by way of The Dollies :) This card is sooo cute!!!! And if ya think it's too cold for ice cream you ahve a stnading invite to spend the summer with us here in TN. Today it's not so bad...only 80 something.....but as the summer goes on it gets sweltering with 90 % humidity...YUCK!!

Unknown said...

Great card! I need to get on making more!

Mel said...

Wow Chloe I just love this card, I have never tried Kraft on a card front but with the pink this rocks, just love the selected embellishments. Thanks for the inspiration, Melxxx (the Dollies)

Leah l'Orange said...

oooh, this IS fabby, Chloe my dear! i love the lacey trim, and those brads are HOT!

i'd trade a bit of this HEATWAVE for a smidgen of your cold over there!!

thanks for hanging with us Dollies! xo

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this! The purty pink circle witht he big crown! Love how it came together! thanks for playin with us DOllies!